About Me


When talking about The Walk with people, I inevitably get the strange looks of unbelief and the question; “why are you doing this?” Strangely enough, I’m not entirely sure myself. Part of it is that ever since knowing about the PCT I have wanted to hike it and my personality is such that I would not be satisfied with hiking a few miles; I have to do the entire thing in one go. A lot of it has to do with the magnetism that Nature and the Wild has on me. I have this suspicion that this life down here in the suburban and urban lowlands is really just a farce and that the real world and real life can only be found in the hills and mountains. The Call of the Wild as London so eloquently put it. I some times am taken aback by the question of why, because the more important question for me is "why not?" How could I not set out on this adventure, striking out where only few have gone and even less have succeeded? This is just another sojourn on the journey of living.


Headshot of Joshua Ferdaszewski

Joshua Ferdaszewski is a computer programmer living in Portland, OR. Husband, father to two girls, artist, photographer, filmmaker, outdoors-men.

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